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Senior Living Facility Marketing:
How Transformed
Their Strategy and Achieved Full Occupancy

When the new owners of, a group of three assisted living facilities, took over the business, they were faced with a challenging situation. The previous marketing efforts, costing over $5,000 per month, were ineffective and not delivering the desired results. This case study explores the success story of how Dapper Market Solutions helped turn their digital marketing around, leading to full occupancy and consistent inquiries, all at a fraction of the cost by implementing effective digital marketing strategies.

The Challenge

Upon acquiring, the new owners inherited a website and digital marketing strategy that were not only expensive but also ineffective. The unique challenges included:

Outdated Website Platform

The website was built on outdated software that was no longer supported and not universal. This meant the new owners were locked into using the previous marketing agency, limiting their options and flexibility.

Ineffective PPC Campaigns

Despite spending heavily on PPC ads, the campaigns were not producing new inquiries consistently, leading to wasted budget and missed opportunities of customer engagement.

Lack of SEO Work

There was no search engine optimization (SEO) strategy in place to increase the facility’s visibility online, which meant potential customers, or clients, were not finding them in the search engines’ results.

High Reliance on Word-of-Mouth and Placement Agencies

The facility relied heavily on word-of-mouth referrals and paid placement agencies to fill vacancies, both of which came at a high cost and did not guarantee sustainable growth.

The Digital Marketing Strategy

To address these issues, Dapper Market Solutions crafted a tailored and effective marketing strategy that focused on various marketing channels and creating a sustainable and cost-effective digital presence.

1. Website Rebuild on a Robust, Universal Platform

We initiated a complete website rebuild to ensure it was built on a platform that was robust, universal, and, most importantly, owned by the client. This move provided the client with complete control over their own digital marketing campaigns, channels and assets, allowing for easy management and the freedom to work with any agency in the future. Key aspects of the rebuild included:

  • Flexibility and Independence: The new owners were no longer tied to the previous marketing agency and could manage the website independently or with any provider they chose.
  • Optimized Content: We created content specifically targeted to the services offered by each facility, ensuring that the website spoke directly to the needs of the target audience, including potential residents and their families.
  • On-Page and Off-Page SEO Optimization: We conducted comprehensive on-page and off-page optimizations to improve search engine rankings and increase visibility.

2. Optimizing the Google Business Page and Web Listings

We optimized their Google Business Page and synced their information across various web listings to ensure consistent information across the internet. This helped improve local SEO and online visibility and made it easier for prospective residents and families to find and trust the facility.

3. Supplementing with a Small Google Ads Campaign and Backlink Building

When the facility unexpectedly lost two residents within the first three months of our campaign, we quickly adapted marketing tactics. We launched a small, targeted Google Ads campaign to drive immediate traffic and inquiries while supplementing our efforts with strategic backlink building to build brand awareness, and improve domain authority.

The Results of These Senior Living Facility Marketing Efforts

Despite the initial setback of losing two residents, our strategic approach soon began to show results:

Full Ownership and Control of the Website

The new website is fully owned by, giving them complete autonomy over content marketing their digital presence and reducing future costs associated with website management.

Full Occupancy Achieved in Two Months

After implementing our strategy, all three facilities reached 100% occupancy within two months.

Consistent Inquiries

The website now receives an average of one inquiry per day, a significant increase compared to the inconsistent results from previous PPC paid advertising campaigns.

Reduced Marketing Costs

All of these results were achieved at a significantly lower cost than the $5,000 per month the previous owners were spending, providing a much higher return on investment.

Was It Worth It?

Absolutely. The transformation of’s first digital marketing campaign strategy led to an impressive return on investment (ROI). Here’s a breakdown:

Previous Marketing Costs: Over $5,000 per month, with little to no results in terms of new business growth, inquiries or occupancy rates.

New Marketing Costs: Around $3,000 per month, including the website rebuild, SEO optimization, PPC paid ads campaign, digital marketing strategies and backlink efforts.

Revenue Impact: With all three facilities reaching full occupancy (18 rooms in total) and an average resident rent of $7,500 per room per month, the facilities now generate approximately $135,000 per month in revenue.

Given these numbers, we can calculate the annual revenue and ROI:


Image of the calculation the annual revenue and ROI of this senior living facility digital marketing strategy

By shifting to a more strategic and sustainable marketing approach, achieved an outstanding 4,300% ROI. The new digital marketing strategy filled all vacancies and provided a steady stream of inquiries, significantly reducing dependency on expensive placement agencies and word-of-mouth referrals.

Key Takeaways

In today’s competitive senior living industry, having a well-planned digital marketing strategy is essential for success.’s journey demonstrates how the right approach to website development, SEO, and adaptability can drive occupancy and consistent inquiries while minimizing costs.

By focusing on a robust website platform, implementing a sustainable SEO strategy, and leveraging targeted marketing efforts, they achieved full occupancy and significantly improved ROI. Here are the key takeaways that illustrate how strategic digital marketing can transform your business results.

The Right Platform Matters

Building the website on a robust, universal platform gave the facility flexibility and independence, freeing them from being tied to a single agency. Most importantly, the client owns the website, ensuring they have control over their digital assets.

SEO is Essential for Sustainable Growth

A strong SEO strategy is critical for raising awareness and driving organic traffic. Our approach to SEO and content optimization laid the groundwork for sustained success.

Adaptability is Key to Attract Your Target Audience

The unexpected loss of residents required a quick response, and supplementing our efforts with a targeted PPC campaign and backlink strategy helped fill vacancies swiftly.

Cost-Effective Strategies Win

By optimizing their digital marketing spend and focusing on strategies that delivered results, achieved full occupancy and a steady stream of inquiries at a fraction of the previous cost.

How We Can Help Build Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Your Senior Living Community’s transformation is a testament to the power of a well-planned, executed, and effective digital marketing strategy. At Dapper Market Solutions, we understand that every business is unique and requires a customized approach. If you’re looking to optimize your digital presence, increase brand awareness and achieve sustainable growth, contact us today to see how we can help.

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